Friday, August 7, 2009

Fine Lines & Eggshells

Ever feel like you are walking a fine line or walking on eggshells? Seriously.

This week was filled with a lot of it, from me being the walker, to be being the line and the eggshells. HERE IS THE REVELATIONS: I can be doing both at the same time! Weird, huh?

Being the walker:
Wedding planning has come to a hiatius for a little bit, don't panic - the wedding is still on! But I can not doing any more wedding planning until I have the permission to do so and other things to happen. I always thought that wedding planning would be such a joy, but a month into planning and I already want all of it to be finished and the wedding be tomorrow. Sometimes are good for planning, others are just wretched and I wish I could just call on my fairy godmother to come and make things just like Cinderella had stress what-so-ever. I never thought I would end up crying a long time over the wedding and other things that have transpired.

I've been dreading the day that Chris has to go back to school. I'd rather him stay near so I can see him more often. 4 months of Saturday/Sunday afternoons is going to be rough. Knowing that he is back finishing up his degree while I am in a brand new town, and a new teacher, and his family will be the most comforting people near to talk to is probably not going to be enough. I would rather him stay and help with every little detail of wedding planning, but I know it won't happen. I know he doesn't want to come home some weekend and hear that we have to go look at photographers or meet with potential DJs just because he will be tired - BUT, he wants to be involved in all the details so walking the fine line between relaxing and planning and distance will probably be my biggest balancing act.

Being the line or eggshellls:
I guess with life being so busy for me right now, I am forgetting the important things in life and forgetting more important roles, like being a friend or what needs to happen rather than what I want to happen. I feel like my grade for life right now is a C when I know I could be getting an A. I guess when I am trying to be understand and respectable about touchy subjects I am over thinking the subject and forgetting about what really matters. Sorry. Being eggshells or lines is never a good thing, you always end up broken or pushed to the side because of the walker; maybe I need to be a strong seashell instead of being the eggshell...

Also, when does tradition have to mean everything must be traditional? Why can't it be a nice blend of traditional meets unique and different?

P.S. This is bring written after two very long days of a Strategy Learning program, so I am tired about drained about thinking deep. Home alone, and wishing I had something at home to keep be busy - other than my cat and my 45 minute power walks everyday. And I just hate evenings when I am stuck at home not having anything left to do and being bored.

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